Does Adya Clarity contain toxic aluminum?

Fact Check: False!

Every element contained in Adya Clarity® is a part of a naturally occurring complex. Adya Clarity® is derived from biotite, a silicate mineral similar to zeolites, which are aluminosilicates. Silicate minerals make up the largest and most important class of rock-forming minerals, constituting approximately 90% of the Earth’s crust. Both biotite and zeolites naturally contain aluminum, along with many other elements.

Many people are surprised to learn that aluminum is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon) in the Earth’s crust. Aluminum is never found by itself in nature. It is always found combined with other elements; biotite and zeolites are perfect examples of this. These compounds are commonly found in soil, clays, food, and water.  

When most people hear the word aluminum, they typically think of the metal form that’s used in the production of packaging, cosmetics, paints, etc. This form of aluminum is certainly not beneficial to the body and has been linked to various adverse effects. However, aluminum, like other elements, has many forms. There can be toxic, harmful forms and completely safe, and even beneficial forms. So when considering the safety or toxicity of any element, it’s vital to consider what form it’s in.

As previously stated, every element contained in Adya Clarity® is part of a naturally occurring complex, derived from biotite. Naturally occurring aluminum – like that found in biotite - is not the same as the metal form of aluminum for one primary reason:

The metal form of aluminum does not occur in nature. Meaning, the metal form of aluminum that is used to make cans, paints, or cosmetic products is not the same as the aluminum that is naturally found combined with other elements in soil, clays, food, etc. The metal form of aluminum is primarily obtained by extracting aluminum, by itself, from the ore bauxite.

The aluminum found in Adya Clarity® does occur in nature. It wasn’t extracted from ore and added to Adya Clarity®. It is part of a natural compound (biotite). It is well known that exposure to aluminum that’s naturally present in soil, clays, food, etc. is not harmful. After all, aluminum is the third most abundant element on earth.

Want to know an interesting fact about aluminum? It’s been used since ancient times for water purification. From as early as 2000 B.C., the Egyptians and Romans utilized aluminum for drinking water and industrial water purposes. Judeo-Christian, Greek, and Roman records document adding “salt,” lime, “aluminous earth,” pulverized barley, and polenta as precipitants to purify water.

When asked about the aluminum in Adya Clarity®, our Health Canadian consultant gave this response:  

“In regards to Aluminum Sulfate this is a component of Black Mica which we have clearly listed on the product label. The Aluminum Sulfate is not an issue for several reasons: a) it is a very, very small trace amount but more importantly b) we did not base a claim off of aluminum sulfate and black mica has been reviewed for safety and deemed just fine and henceforth aluminum sulfate is the a comparison there is ascorbic acid in vitamin c but no one makes a safety complaint on ascorbic acid if Vitamin C in full has been deemed safe...make sense?”